
Work at AK Proof

AKP is always looking for the right people to work with. All jobs are available as full-time, part-time, or coop/internship position. Compensation is negotiable and competitive. Some of the perks of working at AKP include:

  • A ridiculous amount of learning opportunities: not only in levelling up your professional working experience but also to be on the leading edge of innovation (cliché but no bullshit) in the rapidly evolving and maturing space.
  • A versatile working environment: our team worked remote before the pandemic and we work flexible hours; as long as work is done, no one cares how you plan your time.
  • A fulfilling career: our work brings positive impact millions of our fellow humans worldwide and encourages others to extend that impact.
  • A culture of excellence: besides our main roles, we regularly teach and train others (mostly pro bono) to remain sharp and at the top of our game.
  • A diverse community: our multilingual and multicultural team hails from (literally) the farthest corners of the planet, benefiting from the best of many worlds.
  • An egalitarian workplace: whether an intern or a unit leader, all teammates are treated with respect and dignity. Everyone makes their own coffee but we do take turns with the takeout!

If any of the positions below are of interest for you or your family/friends, please apply on this form, and please remember to include a curriculum vitae or résumé.

  • Administrator
  • Blockchain Developer
  • Cryptographer
  • Cryptographic Engineer
  • Cryptographic Programmer
  • Data Analyst
  • Data Architect
  • Data Engineer
  • Digital Communications & Community Manager
  • Engineering Sales Associate
  • Enterprise Solutions & Architecture Designer
  • Frontend Developer
  • Full-stack Developer
  • Office Administrator
  • Product Designer
  • Product Engineer
  • Program Designer
  • Project Manager
  • Research Analyst
  • Research Synthesist
  • Sales and Business Developer
  • Sales Support Officer
  • Software Developer in Test
  • Solutions Architect
  • Solutions Developer
  • Solutions Engineer
  • Strategist
  • Subject Matter Training Program Designer
  • Technical Project Manager
  • User Experience & Interaction Designer
  • Web2 Engineer
  • Web3 Engineer